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Home Sick at Christmas

Christmas is my MOST favorite time of year. There are so many things to look forward to and to enjoy...the christmas music, lights, the pure worship of our King Jesus. But when it comes to this time of year, I always get homesick. Not for my parents' house (although I am truly EXCITED to be able to celebrate at their house) but for my Grandparents' home.

I have very fond memories of taking the almost yearly road trips for 6 1/2 hours north into the frozen land of Northern Minnesota where my grandparents lived. When the day of celebration came, we would be excited and couldn't wait for our cousins to come. We would go into our Grandparents' basement and see the tree with all the presents my grandpa would layer around the tree. They extended out at least two feet beyond the tree. As a child, we were so excited to see which presents had our name on them. But it was torture because the adults would make us sit through dinner and clean up before we could open our presents...then we would have to sit in a big circle and take turns opening gifts (not the funnest when you are a child and there are more than a dozen people in the room). But it was always worth it. I loved being with my family and playing with my cousins (it was about the only time of the year we got to see them). I loved the sights and smells and sounds of Christmas at my grandparents' house.

That christmas will always be in my heart but it makes me sad to know that I will never experience anymore christmases like that again. Oh, yes, I could go back to Northern Minnesota and see the cousins again (I would like to do that), but Christmas would never be the same up there. More than 10 years ago, my grandma went to be with Jesus and I know that I will see her again, but Christmas in Minnesota would never be the same without her. I miss her around this time of year and wonder what it would be like if she was still on this earth.

My feelings and sentiment are echoed in the song "I'll be home for Christmas" and that song always brings me back to my Christmas memories and to my grandma:

I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents round the tree
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams
I love that song and the memories it brings. It also serves as a reminder to look through the eyes of my children...at the awe and wonder that they experience during Christmas and to make memories for them to look back on.

Way Back Wednesday...Christmas Edition

These were taken a couple of years ago...

...and yes, since we don't want anyone to feel left out...

...we put the star up 3 times!

Way Back Wednesday

REALLY WAY BACK! This is a picture of Stephanie around the age of 3. Does it remind you of any other little girls?

Fun on a snow day!

We were all very excited to wake up to snow today! I love the snow in December (mind you, I said "December". I don't really like it any other time). There is just something about snow during the holidays. Since there was a blizzard in the forecast for today (so far just constant snow), they cancelled school for today. So what do we do with 3 kids in the house...

We decorate cookies!!!!!

And have a blast!

Doesn't it look like fun? Here are our results...yummy!