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I Choose Joy...

No matter what happens...

I choose Joy

When my children are messy...

I choose Joy

When bills are due...

I choose Joy

When my husband forgets my birthday...

I choose Joy

When things don't go as planned...

I choose Joy

When I get notes home from teachers...

I choose Joy

When the dishes pile up...

I choose Joy

When the laundry overflows...

I choose Joy

When my friends leave me...

I choose Joy

When I get left behind...

I choose Joy

When things are good...

I choose Joy

When life gets overwhelming...

I choose Joy

When my children try to stall going to bed...

I choose Joy

When I am tired...

I choose Joy

However hard things get...


Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for shoes. It might sound funny or weird but for the past two weeks (the COLDEST weeks of the year), I couldn't wear shoes. You see...I fell down the stairs and landed on my pinky toe. I'm pretty sure I broke at least one toe. So in the midst of all the snow and cold, I had to wear flip flops.
But now, my shoes fit again and I am thankful. Not just because I can wear shoes, but because it is a sign that God has healed my foot.
So....this week I am thankful for shoes!

Talk about snow...

So Jared and I thought it would be funny to take this picture...

...it looks like we lost our kids...

...in a snowbank!*

We've had THAT MUCH SNOW!!! It's been CRAZY! Don't get me wrong...I LOVE snow but I love it in (a) moderation and (b) December. I am so ready for Spring and green grass...hhmmm...

Oh well...

*no kids were harmed in the taking of this picture...!

New Signature

Just want to try out a new signature that I have been playing around with. Hopefully it works!

Thankful Thursday

Its been awhile since I have done a Thankful Thursday. But listening to the wind outside and feeling the cold, I know that I am truly thankful for my wonderful house and my working furnace. Though the wind may blow and the snow can come down in sheets, I don't have to be out in it and I can truly enjoy being cozy and warm in my wonderful house. How blessed I am!


Way Back Wednesday

Hannah Rayne (3 months)
in her dedication pictures.
She is wearing the same dress that her mommy
wore when her mommy was a baby.