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Out of the mouths of little ones...

Today, as I was getting the big kids ready to head off to school, I noticed that Josiah's tennis shoes were falling apart. I sent him to school in sandals (since he didn't have P.E. today) and promised I would go today and get him a new pair. He was thrilled.

So, after Hannah and I got ready, we headed to the first store-nothing there. On to the second store-still nothing. We continued for a couple more stores. Hannah was being a trooper (being only 4, heading to store after store with a good attitude was really good for her).

Anyway, I went to one last store. If I didn't find them here, I was going to have to go to extreme lengths in my search.

I was grumbling as we entered the store. Hannah, holding my hand, looked up at me and said "Mom, you need to ask God where to go. He knows where we will find the shoes". I looked down at her and thought "Oh my goodness! I can't believe that my four year old could be so perceptive of the things of God." Of course, she was right. I hadn't asked God where to look. I know it might sound trivial to ask God about shoes but if he cares about the sparrows and how many hairs are on our heads, then he would care about finding Josiah the right shoes. After all, he wants us blessed.

So right there, as we were walking in the store, Hannah and I prayed that God would help us find the right shoes. And you know what... He did! And I'm not one bit surprised. Should have asked him to begin with!
