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I'm Back!!!!

Okay, so I took a long break but now I'm back.  I couldn't decide whether or not to continue this blog or not.  But with my parents going to Florida for the next month, I thought that this would be a good way to keep them up to date with what is going on with their grand kids.

So what has been going on?  Well, Eliya (who is 9 and in 4th grade) just bought a sewing machine of her own so she can sew whenever she gets it in her mind.  It is just a kids machine and doesn't do a whole lot but it does what she needs it to.  She has it set up on her desk in her room right under her t.v. so she can sew and watch.  Now...just to keep her 6 year old sister away...

Speaking of her 6 year old sister...Hannah has been getting really into reading the last couple of days.  She has always been into reading but ever since Grandma Rita gave her a princess chapter book, she has been hooked to it.  She keeps wanting to bring her book every where we go.  I love it!!!  She has also been having her friends over to do karaoke shows with her new karaoke machine and music from Christmas.  Needless to say, it has been kind of loud around here!

Jared brought home a 3 screened computer monitor from work the other day and set it up down stairs for the kids.  Josiah thinks it is the greatest thing in the world.  He keeps asking if he can play "daddy's 3 piece computer".  He loves to watch you tube and search for trains.  He is just like his dad!

Jared has taken the last couple of days off work to do things around the house.  We were finally able to take advantage of our Rose Theater membership and went to a play yesterday as a family.  It was fun.  The kids loved it.  They are looking forward to the next play in February.

Jared goes back to work tomorrow.  I have two extra kids today through Friday (overnight and all) and another two kids during the day tomorrow and Friday.  If you lost count, that is 7 kids in our house the next two days.  I think Jared is kind of running away from it all.  It might be noisy but I think I will actually have MORE time on my hands.  It seems like when I have extras (especially those use to my house), my kids are occupied and I get my own stuff done.  We'll see.  I stocked up on crafts and activities just in case.

Well, that is pretty much what is going on here.  Hopefully, I will be back with more updates.  I leave you with a picture from our church's Candy Cane Festival.  If you don't know, Jared is Santa :)
Me and Jared in back, (l-r in front) Hannah-6, Josiah-8, Eliya-9
