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Here you go!

So I told you earlier that I was working on a creative word design bag. It turned out great...so much that my mom asked me to make her a small bag and an apron for a present. So here are the pictures. What do you think??

Where you right???

Did you figure out which baby was Eliya and which one was Hannah? Well, here is the answer...

Hannah Rayne

Way Back Wednesday...Who is it?

When my girls were babies, they looked almost identical...to the point where friends and family (and even the girls themselves) get confused with whose baby picture is whose. Here are a couple of "way back" pictures. Can you tell them apart? This is not a trick question. One is Hannah and one is Eliya.

I will post later to tell you who is who!

And life goes on...

I love routine. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I thrive on schedules and routine and really...monotony. Change makes me nervous until I sit with it for awhile. That is why I am loving this week. The kids are in school, my husband is working, nap time is at the same time everyday... my life is pretty nice right now. The only thing is, is that there is nothing special to blog about! So, to break things up a little, I am going to work on a couple of projects and hopefully I can take some pictures and show you all what I am going to be working on.

One of the things that I need (I use that term loosely) to do is make a fleece blanket for my 4 year old's baby jaguar (its really a leapard but it looks like baby Jaguar from Diego). I have to (again, used loosely) make a little one for the jaguar and a little bigger one for Hannah so they can match.

The other thing I'm working on is a word design that I am going to create with my family's names on them and then (hopefully) transfer them on to a canvas bag. Hopefully it will transfer well. I don't have the best track record when it comes to things ironed on. If it works, I want to try and transfer it on to a tee shirt.

Anyway, when I get these things done (if they turn out that is), I will take pictures and show you them! Stand by!

Happy Birthday, Grandma Karol!-Way Back Wednesday

A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend. ~Author Unknown

(l-r: Jagger-3, Teagon-9, Eliya-3, Grandma Karol-??, Josiah-2, Jade-8, Hannah-newborn)

Happy Birthday, Grandma Karol! Thank you for being not only a best friend to our children but also and inspiration to us! WE LOVE YOU! Have a BLESSED day!

Happy 1st Day of School...

to me!...umm, I mean to my oldest two children! Eliya started in second grade today and Josiah started in first grade. Time is flying so fast! This morning they bounded out of bed, ate breakfast, and got dressed in record time. We had to keep them from walking out the door 30 minutes too early. I hope tomorrow they are just as excited!
Eliya's first day of 2nd Grade!

Josiah's first day of 1st Grade!

Way Back Wednesday-Back to School Edition

Eliya's first day of school! Fall 2005

Josiah's first day of school! Fall 2006 (check out that forehead!)

Hannah's first day of school! Fall 2008

Way Back Wednesday

Josiah's first encounter with Grandpa Steve's kitties...it was love at first sight! Too bad he's allergic to cats!

Happy August!

August is a good month.
Its the month when you start the official countdown until school (by the way, it is 15 days until my kids go back).
Its the month when kids get antsy and parents get antsier (is that a word?). . . to get back into a routine and get those kids doing something instead of asking "What can I do? I'm bored" or laying in front of the t.v. watching Spongebob.
But lucky for us, school is in sight and everything will be back to "normal" again.
So, everyone. . .
"Happy August!"