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Oh.My.Goodness (or oh.my.goose-nest as my daughter used to say). Where has October gone? It seems like we just started and its almost November now.

Not that I'm complaining...I can't tell you how much I can't wait until October 31st is O.V.E.R.! I can't stand the holiday. I don't understand it (but I don't want to get into that here).

November is just much more fun. Thanksgiving, holiday preparation, being given the "official" permission from my husband to listen to Christmas music (I've been "unofficially" listening to it since the beginning of October!!!). I love the thought of getting into all that stuff... (officially!)

But, truly, I'm going to be really disappointed if November and December go by just as fast as October. I think I will slow down a bit and try to enjoy EVERY aspect of the next couple of months.

I leave you with a really good quote about autumn. I think it really explains the season well:

"Winter is etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn is a mosaic of them all." ~Stanley Horowitz


1 comment:

  1. First, I'm so with you on the October 31st thing. Stupid, stupid, stupid. One of the things that I find most strange about it is that the yards we see now that are decorated with all things creepy will have nativity scenes on them in a month. Kind of contradictory, don't you think?

    BUT we do celebrate that day...by ignoring it all together and putting up our Christmas tree. Yay!!!

    And October has flown! And I've even been trying to savor it! I adore all the beautiful fall colors and the whole comfy cozy atmosphere of fall, but it's going by too fast. I guess time does fly when you're having fun, huh?

    And I love the pic of the kids. So cute!!
