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I'm still here!

I feel like I sort of disappeared for awhile.  I have been super super busy and then my computer was/is having problems. (as we speak I am in the cold basement on the desktop...so not convient but oh well).  Let me tell you what has been going on....

First of all, I think I mentioned that our children's ministry at church did our 3rd annual Candy Cane Festival.  This is a special time around Christmas where the kids (ages 3-11) get to do games, a special story time, a special snack, and get time to shop for their family members and wrap the gifts themselves (with help).  It is so much fun.  We set up a little store filled with things that people have donated.  The parents give their children a couple of dollars and then the kids get to shop with help and find gifts for their loved ones.  I think that it gets their mind off of themselves and onto what they can give to others.  It also (tries to) help them realize that things cost money and if you want something, it is not necessarily just given to you.  We had a blast at the Candy Cane Festival (even santa-my husband-showed up for pictures!) and as soon as I get my other computer back, I can post some pictures.

Next, I have been working on word designs.  In fact I have had 7 to do in the last week!  I made one that we put on a large canvas and is going to hang on the wall in the girls' bathroom in the big kids children's ministry.
I also did 5 more for the 10-11 year old girls that I teach on Wednesday night for their Christmas present.

I am also currently working on one for a friend of mine to put on a tote bag for her mother-in-law.  It has been busy but fun.  It has reminded me how much I love to create!

The last thing that has been going on is actually going on today.  I have to make cookies for a teacher reception we are having at church tomorrow.  So I am going to be making cut out cookies with my oldest daughter and her friend (they are also making Rice Krispie treats for me).  I really need to make pfeffernuesse (german christmas cookie) since we are almost out but that is at least a 3 hour project and is definitely going to have to wait until next week!

Anyway, sorry for the absence.  I am going to try to be better!!! Hopefully I can get my laptop back today (?) and then it will be easier.
P.S.  I wanted to add what pictures I had on this computer but it seems like it will only let me add the one.  Sorry! I'll try to add more later!

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