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snow, snow, snow, snow, SNOW!!!

Well, tonight we are in the middle of a winter storm warning.  It started snowing about 3:00 or so this afternoon and hasn't let up yet.  Hence (don't you like the word "hence"?), we don't have morning church tomorrow.  Anyway, while everyone is busy being concerned about shoveling and venturing out, I've been busy looking at the beauty of the fluffy flakes that are falling.  Here are some of the picture I got out the front and back doors of my house...

Well anyway, I hope you enjoyed the view from our little snowglobe!  We are going to try and stay warm and maybe, just maybe I'll make waffles tomorrow...now whether it is going to be for breakfast or lunch (after I sleep in) is yet to be determined!


1 comment:

  1. Hi! I was just going to check for any updates on the Ellwein blog. I was looking for a date on the last one you wrote. I will try to check here on a daily or weekly basis. Wish there was some kind of notification to our email boxes when a new blog is posted. Is that possible?? Love you, Mom
