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Facebook, here we come!

Ok, so after several requests from friends to get onto Facebook, I finally went ahead and got an account. To be honest, I had intentionally not gotten an account for some time. Even though I'm a "computer person", and you'd expect me to get an account earlier, it is that very reason that I held off for so long. As the "computer friend" for so many, I had worked on too many computers that had problems where the story started "I was on Facebook last night and.....". You can only fix so many of these issues before you believe that you want to avoid it. :)

Well I finally determined that doing Facebook is probably like doing just about anything else online - as long as you keep your protection software updated and be careful what you do and where you click there's too many good opportunities to miss out on if you don't go for it.

I will say that it was quite a night surfing all of the Friends lists. I ended up going through 4 hours quite fast just looking through the lists for people I knew and many that I hadn't been able to catch up with for some time. It was quite an experience looking through names and faces covering the last 20-25 years or so, all of the changes people have gone through, and seeing where they live today. I think I sent out invites from coast to coast!

Tribute to my grandma

April 13 was my grandma's birthday. I wanted to take a bit of time and remember her. She is no longer with us on earth but she is always going to be with me in memory. My Grandma Mary was the best.

I had the best time going to her house. I remember sitting by the counter eating corn flakes. My mom would always say "remember to make your bed!" but by the time I was done with my cereal, Grandma would have already done it.

Christmas was great at Grandma's house. She would cook and make sure that she had everything timed out and organized. When it was time to open presents, the kids would always watch what everyone what getting because Grandma bought the same thing for each one of us. It would just be a surprise as to which box it was in. We would almost always get a towel and tooth paste among other things. I think she just wanted to make everythings special and wanted to make sure we had a lot to open.

On the day that we would head home, Grandma always wanted to make sure we had a good breakfast before we left. She would make eggs, turkey bacon, hash browns, and toast. It was wonderful and very filling.

I miss my grandma. She was a wonderful lady who loved her family very much and we all loved her too. She will always have a special place in my heart and I know I will see her again in Heaven.

My Grandma Mary and my Grandpa Harold

Eliya's wish

Tonight I picked up Eliya from a friend's house. During the drive home, she mentioned that she wished she could fly. I asked if she meant on an airplane. She answered "No, fly with wings." She said she had waited for just the right time, and wished on a star for wings, but they hadn't arrived yet. She was "waiting and waiting" for them. :)

When I asked her why she wanted her wings, she said so she could get in and out of her bunkbed without using the ladder. (She had slipped on the ladder last weekend, and scraped her ankle, so being able to skip the ladder would be good.)

I didn't have the heart to tell her that she might be waiting quite a while for those wings to arrive.....

Happy Resurrection Day!

The resurrection gives my life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what my circumstances. ~Robert Flatt
Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won't stay there. ~Clarence W. Hall

Welcome to Our Blog!

I have always liked to read other people's blogs so I thought that maybe I would try one of my own. Hopefully our lives are interesting enough to blog about!

Anyway, let us introduce ourselves (in case you don't already know us). The king of our castle is Jared. He is the computer genius. Actually he is an all around genius. He loves working on anything technical or things that have lots of buttons!

The queen around here is Stephanie. She is a stay at home mom who loves to bargain shop, read, and being there for her family.

Our fist little princess is Eliya. Eliya is 6 and she loves school and being the second mommy of the house.

Our only prince is Josiah. He is 5 and he is totally into trains. He has had a train birthday every birthday since he was two.
Our last little princess is Hannah. Hannah is 3 and loves to sing and dance. She doesn't even care who is watching or listening. The bigger the audience the better.

Anyway, we hope you enjoy this window into our lives. Check back often for updates into what is going on with us!