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Eliya's wish

Tonight I picked up Eliya from a friend's house. During the drive home, she mentioned that she wished she could fly. I asked if she meant on an airplane. She answered "No, fly with wings." She said she had waited for just the right time, and wished on a star for wings, but they hadn't arrived yet. She was "waiting and waiting" for them. :)

When I asked her why she wanted her wings, she said so she could get in and out of her bunkbed without using the ladder. (She had slipped on the ladder last weekend, and scraped her ankle, so being able to skip the ladder would be good.)

I didn't have the heart to tell her that she might be waiting quite a while for those wings to arrive.....

1 comment:

  1. You should pray with her that she could fly in her dreams, I know may people that experience this, I am one of them, nothing compares it.
