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Way Back Wednesday

This is my Hannah when she was about 6 months old. Such a cutie, huh??

Way Back Wednesday

For this installment of Way Back Wednesday, I decided to share the very first picture of my three kids together. If you are viewing via Facebook and the picture doesn't show up, go to http://www.ellweins.blogspot.com/

My strawberry pie recipe

Yesterday, I posted some pictures of my yummy strawberry pie and I thought that maybe I should repost the recipe. So here it is!!

1 graham cracker pie crust
1 container of strawberries
1 large box of sugar free strawberry jello
1 packet of Knox gelatin
2 packets of Splenda

Clean and core the strawberries. Slice them and layer them into the pie crust and set aside. (lately, I've been chopping up the strawberries into little pieces instead of slicing and layering. I like it better) Prepare the jello according to package directions but also adding gelatin and splenda. Pour over strawberries. Put the pie in the refridgerator and chill until it is set. Enjoy!!

Pictures of my strawberry pie

A little while back, I posted a recipe for my yummy strawberry pie. We had eaten it so fast that I didn't get to post pictures. So this time when I made it, I quickly took pictures before I served it. Enjoy!! (if you are reading this via facebook and the pictures don't show up, you might need to go to my blog. Click on my wall and under my profile pic is the website)

The whole pie!

Two of the 12 little pies I make so I have a quick yummy treat!

A slice of the pie!

Our Trip to Okoboji

Well, we just got home from Okoboji, Iowa and we had a blast. We did so many things in the three days we were there.
First of all, the hotel we stayed in had an awesome pool! We spent most of our time there because 1) my kids are fishies 2) it seemed like it was made for my kids 3) we were the only ones using it. (for some reason all the hotel pics are on my dad's camera...hopefully I can post some of those later)

Every year that we go to Okoboji, we always rent a pontoon for an hour and spend time on Lake Okoboji. My kids take turns "driving" the boat. They look forward to it every year.

This year, Jared and my dad took the kids to Arnold's Park to ride the rides. I thought that maybe Hannah would be too scared to do much but she held her own.

Eliya wanted to do everything (and did most of it) but talked herself out of a couple of things.

Josiah turned out to be our daredevil. He did everything he was tall enough for including doing this thing that kept you upside down for most of the ride.

My dad did some of the stuff but realized that even going on a ferris wheel was a little too much for him. To give him credit, he is 60 years old. I think he's done his share of rollercoasters!

And what were me and mom doing during all this??? Why, shopping and getting manicures and pedicures of course!

Here they are now...

I thought that since I put an old photo of my kids and my niece and nephews, that maybe people would like to see what they look like now. . .all grown up (or at least bigger). . .

Now, my nephew Teagon is 12, my niece Jade turned 11 yesterday, my other nephew Jagger is 7 1/2, Eliya is 7, Josiah is 5 1/2, and Hannah is 4.

Way Back Wednesday

Welcome to Way Back Wednesday! This is a picture of all the cousins (minus Hannah since she wasn't born yet). I think Josiah was 10 months old and Eliya was 2. Also in this picture are Tim's kids-Teagon (I think was 7), Jade (who probably just turned 6), and Jagger (2 1/2). My sister-in-law was on wardrobe duty and I think she did an awesome job. They look great!

My Blessings...Revisited

On this Fourth of July, the birthday of our nation, I thought it would be appropriate to revisit the blessings that the Lord has given me. (this is from an earlier post). I am truly thankful for all he has done for me...

My God and his great mercies

My husband for being everything I need him to be

Eliya for teaching me how to take charge and take care

Josiah for showing me great determination and total faith that God answers prayers

Hannah for showing me that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks and the most important thing is being yourself

My parents for having faith in me and being proud of me no matter what

My brother for showing me how to love children

My sister-in-law for showing me that no matter what happens, what matters most is family

My nephew Teagon for showing me what a great brother is

My niece Jade for showing me how to adapt to things no matter what comes along

My nephew Jagger for showing me what both a leader and a follower looks like

My house and everything in it

My cars

My needs and a lot of my wants provided for





Being in a place in my life that I love

Knowing that the future is taken care of and already planned

I am also thankful to be living in the United States-One Nation Under God-and for the freedom and liberties it allows me. MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA!!


Way Back Wednesday

I was reading some other blogs out there the other day and I came across this idea of every Wednesday putting an old picture out. I thought it was a cool idea and decided to try it. So here it is...

Eliya-2 1/2- at the play place in the mall in Des Moines. This is when we were practically living in Des Moines.