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Thankful Thursday

I think it is a good idea to remember our blessings and be thankful for what God has given us. So...I think that on Thursday I am going start "Thankful Thursdays" to remind myself of all God is doing in our lives. So...without further ado...The first addition of Thankful Thursdays...

Today, I am thankful for my children. Eliya is the best first born. She is the second mommy of the house and really cares for and loves her brother and sister. Josiah keeps us on our toes and we never know what he is going to come up with next. My littlest big kid, Hannah, keeps us entertained with her songs and dancing. She is also incredibly smart and picks up thinks so fast. All of them are smart. Jared speaks over them all the time (from the time they were born) that they were Daddy's Little Overachievers!

Way Back Wednesday

Uncle Jesse's baby...
There has always been a love between these two. Hannah is not only a Daddy's Girl but also Uncle Jesse's girl. There must be something about these Ellwein men that girls love!


Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.

~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939, translated from French by Lewis Galantière

A Modern Day Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a girl who thought she was a princess. She loved to dress up and do make up and nails. She had everything she needed: a relationship with God, love of her parents, a wonderful home, friends...but there was one thing missing...

Not too far away, lived a boy. This boy was smart, responsible, wise, funny, and very handsome. He had everything as well...except for one thing...

One day, the girl and the boy happened to find each other. They loved spending time together and their friendship blossomed into something deeper...love. One day, they decided to get married and spend the rest of their days together.

But God decided that just the two of them was not enough and He sent them a beautiful baby girl...another princess. This princess grew and God decided this family needed a prince. The little princess and prince grew together...but God must have thought this fairy tale needed a little more adventure, He sent another princess to entertain them in song and dance.

The family grew together in love and in life. Their fairy tale wasn't without trial or hardship, but because they stayed close to their God and to each other, they made it through and now...

They still live happily ever after...

Way Back Wednesday

Ice Cream Days parade 2005.
(L-R) Hannah-2 weeks old, Jagger-3 1/2, Eliya-3, Josiah-1 1/2

What a boy!!!

Today is Josiah's 6th birthday!

And what a boy he is. He is truly a boy's boy. He loves trains, cars, video games, any and all sports. He loves to climb trees and to try new and daring things. He certainly keeps us on our toes. You never know what he is going to come up with. For example...

He's held the handle of the garage door as it was going up and went up with it.

He came up with a balloon air pump, asked me to stick it in his ear and while he covered his other ear, asked me to blow up his head.

He was determined (for several days) that we could make him small so he could fit in his toy Annie and Clarabel train cars and go for a ride.

Any time we let him, he wants to climb on the roof (closely guarded by daddy so nobody get worried...he is truly safe).

It has been a busy 6 years for both him and us. It has been a wonderful adventure and we can't wait to see where else he is going to take us!

Happy Birthday, Josiah!

We love you and wish you a wonderful and blessed year!

Enjoy being six!


This week has been busy for us. Jared has been out of town since Monday and won't be coming back until Friday and next week he will be gone a couple of days. So far, it hasn't been bad. Josiah has been asking all the time when his dad is going to be home. Eliya doesn't seem too phased. It has actually been hardest on Hannah. She is daddy's girl and really misses him. She has cried every night...

During this all, I am reminded of when I was pregnant with Hannah. Eliya was 2 and in the process of potty training, Josiah was 1 1/2 and STILL not walking, and I was HUGE with Hannah. Jared had a consulting job in Des Moines (2 1/2 hours away) for 9 months. He actually ended up getting an apartment there and the kids and I were living there every other week.

I would gather the kids up and go with him (he would come home on the weekends) to hang out in a two bedroom apartment (on the 9th floor mind you! with a 2 year old and a 1 1/2 year old chunk who refused to walk) while he worked. Needless to say, without much to do, the kids and I would spend most mornings at the mall playplace. I would also try to cook ahead for Jared so that he wouldn't have to eat out during the week I wasn't there. (All the while, trying to potty train Eliya).

Those were tough times. Only by the grace of God did we make it through and with some great memories:

So as you can see, this week has been NOTHING! I'm so THANKFUL to not have to go through that again. After that, these week trips are easy!!!