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Home Sick at Christmas

Christmas is my MOST favorite time of year. There are so many things to look forward to and to enjoy...the christmas music, lights, the pure worship of our King Jesus. But when it comes to this time of year, I always get homesick. Not for my parents' house (although I am truly EXCITED to be able to celebrate at their house) but for my Grandparents' home.

I have very fond memories of taking the almost yearly road trips for 6 1/2 hours north into the frozen land of Northern Minnesota where my grandparents lived. When the day of celebration came, we would be excited and couldn't wait for our cousins to come. We would go into our Grandparents' basement and see the tree with all the presents my grandpa would layer around the tree. They extended out at least two feet beyond the tree. As a child, we were so excited to see which presents had our name on them. But it was torture because the adults would make us sit through dinner and clean up before we could open our presents...then we would have to sit in a big circle and take turns opening gifts (not the funnest when you are a child and there are more than a dozen people in the room). But it was always worth it. I loved being with my family and playing with my cousins (it was about the only time of the year we got to see them). I loved the sights and smells and sounds of Christmas at my grandparents' house.

That christmas will always be in my heart but it makes me sad to know that I will never experience anymore christmases like that again. Oh, yes, I could go back to Northern Minnesota and see the cousins again (I would like to do that), but Christmas would never be the same up there. More than 10 years ago, my grandma went to be with Jesus and I know that I will see her again, but Christmas in Minnesota would never be the same without her. I miss her around this time of year and wonder what it would be like if she was still on this earth.

My feelings and sentiment are echoed in the song "I'll be home for Christmas" and that song always brings me back to my Christmas memories and to my grandma:

I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents round the tree
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams
I love that song and the memories it brings. It also serves as a reminder to look through the eyes of my children...at the awe and wonder that they experience during Christmas and to make memories for them to look back on.

Way Back Wednesday...Christmas Edition

These were taken a couple of years ago...

...and yes, since we don't want anyone to feel left out...

...we put the star up 3 times!

Way Back Wednesday

REALLY WAY BACK! This is a picture of Stephanie around the age of 3. Does it remind you of any other little girls?

Fun on a snow day!

We were all very excited to wake up to snow today! I love the snow in December (mind you, I said "December". I don't really like it any other time). There is just something about snow during the holidays. Since there was a blizzard in the forecast for today (so far just constant snow), they cancelled school for today. So what do we do with 3 kids in the house...

We decorate cookies!!!!!

And have a blast!

Doesn't it look like fun? Here are our results...yummy!

Way Back Wednesday

This is Grandpa Dave holding Josiah when he was a day old in the hospital. Josiah loves his
Grandpa Dave!!!

Happy Birthday to Our Oldest Nephew!!!

We wanted to take a moment and wish our nephew Teagon a very happy birthday! Today he turns 13 and is paving the way into teenagehood for the rest of the kids. I can't believe that he's already a teenager...when we first met him, he was a 4 year old who loved to wrestle around with Grandpa and Uncle Jared. Now he is taller than Stephanie by many inches (not that its really hard to do since she is only 5'3).
So Happy Birthday, Teagon! May this be your best year ever!! We love you!!

Way Back Wednesday

Cousins Eliya and Jagger (both 3) picking up candy at a parade...July 2005

Thankful Thursday

Today, I am thankful for our nephews and niece. They are the most special people on this planet (along with our kids...at least according to me!). They came into our lives faster than we could even imagine since Tim married Jen who had two kids already and then they had the third soon into their marriage. But right away, they were special to us.

Our first nephew, Teagon, is a really smart and creative kid. He is the most amazing creative writer. Where he comes up with his ideas, I'll never know!

Our only niece, Jade, is beautiful and smart and very personable. She is about the only person I know who can "give it back" to Grandpa Dave without missing a beat.

Our youngest nephew, Jagger, is a little Tim. He is very into music. He loves guitars and drums and even listening to music. Jagger also is a very loving kid. He always remembers to give our kids hugs when they have to leave.

We love our niece and nephews and thank God that He has brought them into our lives. We are so glad to see them grow up into who God has called them to be.

Way Back Wednesday

This was at Josiah's baby dedication...when we only had 2 children!

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for our health. Just last week, Hannah dealt with a battle of Scarlet Fever. Today, because God is a God that heals, she is running around like nothing ever happened. My family is healthy because we have a covenant with God and I am truly blessed that he honors his covenant with us. Jesus Christ healed 2000 years ago and he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If he healed 2000 years ago, then he still heals today.

Thank you Father for being Jehovah Raffa...the Lord my Healer!

Way Back Wednesday

This is Eliya when she was not quite 2 years old on her first trip to Disney World. She shares the stroller with her "boyfriend" Logan. Logan just asked for her phone number and asked her to a movie...they are only 7!!! I don't know if we're ready for this!!

Thankful Thursday

I think it is a good idea to remember our blessings and be thankful for what God has given us. So...I think that on Thursday I am going start "Thankful Thursdays" to remind myself of all God is doing in our lives. So...without further ado...The first addition of Thankful Thursdays...

Today, I am thankful for my children. Eliya is the best first born. She is the second mommy of the house and really cares for and loves her brother and sister. Josiah keeps us on our toes and we never know what he is going to come up with next. My littlest big kid, Hannah, keeps us entertained with her songs and dancing. She is also incredibly smart and picks up thinks so fast. All of them are smart. Jared speaks over them all the time (from the time they were born) that they were Daddy's Little Overachievers!

Way Back Wednesday

Uncle Jesse's baby...
There has always been a love between these two. Hannah is not only a Daddy's Girl but also Uncle Jesse's girl. There must be something about these Ellwein men that girls love!


Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction.

~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Wind, Sand and Stars, 1939, translated from French by Lewis Galantière

A Modern Day Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, there was a girl who thought she was a princess. She loved to dress up and do make up and nails. She had everything she needed: a relationship with God, love of her parents, a wonderful home, friends...but there was one thing missing...

Not too far away, lived a boy. This boy was smart, responsible, wise, funny, and very handsome. He had everything as well...except for one thing...

One day, the girl and the boy happened to find each other. They loved spending time together and their friendship blossomed into something deeper...love. One day, they decided to get married and spend the rest of their days together.

But God decided that just the two of them was not enough and He sent them a beautiful baby girl...another princess. This princess grew and God decided this family needed a prince. The little princess and prince grew together...but God must have thought this fairy tale needed a little more adventure, He sent another princess to entertain them in song and dance.

The family grew together in love and in life. Their fairy tale wasn't without trial or hardship, but because they stayed close to their God and to each other, they made it through and now...

They still live happily ever after...

Way Back Wednesday

Ice Cream Days parade 2005.
(L-R) Hannah-2 weeks old, Jagger-3 1/2, Eliya-3, Josiah-1 1/2

What a boy!!!

Today is Josiah's 6th birthday!

And what a boy he is. He is truly a boy's boy. He loves trains, cars, video games, any and all sports. He loves to climb trees and to try new and daring things. He certainly keeps us on our toes. You never know what he is going to come up with. For example...

He's held the handle of the garage door as it was going up and went up with it.

He came up with a balloon air pump, asked me to stick it in his ear and while he covered his other ear, asked me to blow up his head.

He was determined (for several days) that we could make him small so he could fit in his toy Annie and Clarabel train cars and go for a ride.

Any time we let him, he wants to climb on the roof (closely guarded by daddy so nobody get worried...he is truly safe).

It has been a busy 6 years for both him and us. It has been a wonderful adventure and we can't wait to see where else he is going to take us!

Happy Birthday, Josiah!

We love you and wish you a wonderful and blessed year!

Enjoy being six!


This week has been busy for us. Jared has been out of town since Monday and won't be coming back until Friday and next week he will be gone a couple of days. So far, it hasn't been bad. Josiah has been asking all the time when his dad is going to be home. Eliya doesn't seem too phased. It has actually been hardest on Hannah. She is daddy's girl and really misses him. She has cried every night...

During this all, I am reminded of when I was pregnant with Hannah. Eliya was 2 and in the process of potty training, Josiah was 1 1/2 and STILL not walking, and I was HUGE with Hannah. Jared had a consulting job in Des Moines (2 1/2 hours away) for 9 months. He actually ended up getting an apartment there and the kids and I were living there every other week.

I would gather the kids up and go with him (he would come home on the weekends) to hang out in a two bedroom apartment (on the 9th floor mind you! with a 2 year old and a 1 1/2 year old chunk who refused to walk) while he worked. Needless to say, without much to do, the kids and I would spend most mornings at the mall playplace. I would also try to cook ahead for Jared so that he wouldn't have to eat out during the week I wasn't there. (All the while, trying to potty train Eliya).

Those were tough times. Only by the grace of God did we make it through and with some great memories:

So as you can see, this week has been NOTHING! I'm so THANKFUL to not have to go through that again. After that, these week trips are easy!!!

Way Back Wednesday

Our Josiah-check out the tummy and the title of the book...ironic isn't it?

Way Back Wednesday

All three of my kids. Eliya was 3, Josiah (my unhappy boy) was 2, and Hannah was 6 months.


Of two sisters one is always the watcher, one the dancer. ~Louise Glück

Our roots say we're sisters, our hearts say we're friends. ~Author Unknown

The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend. ~Cali Rae Turner

Way Back Wednesday

Lately, I've been using this Way Back Wednesday posts to show off my adorable kids. Today, I am going to share one of my favorite pictures from about 12 years ago...
Jared and Stephanie b.c. (before children...actually before wedding and children!)

Here you go!

So I told you earlier that I was working on a creative word design bag. It turned out great...so much that my mom asked me to make her a small bag and an apron for a present. So here are the pictures. What do you think??

Where you right???

Did you figure out which baby was Eliya and which one was Hannah? Well, here is the answer...

Hannah Rayne

Way Back Wednesday...Who is it?

When my girls were babies, they looked almost identical...to the point where friends and family (and even the girls themselves) get confused with whose baby picture is whose. Here are a couple of "way back" pictures. Can you tell them apart? This is not a trick question. One is Hannah and one is Eliya.

I will post later to tell you who is who!

And life goes on...

I love routine. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I thrive on schedules and routine and really...monotony. Change makes me nervous until I sit with it for awhile. That is why I am loving this week. The kids are in school, my husband is working, nap time is at the same time everyday... my life is pretty nice right now. The only thing is, is that there is nothing special to blog about! So, to break things up a little, I am going to work on a couple of projects and hopefully I can take some pictures and show you all what I am going to be working on.

One of the things that I need (I use that term loosely) to do is make a fleece blanket for my 4 year old's baby jaguar (its really a leapard but it looks like baby Jaguar from Diego). I have to (again, used loosely) make a little one for the jaguar and a little bigger one for Hannah so they can match.

The other thing I'm working on is a word design that I am going to create with my family's names on them and then (hopefully) transfer them on to a canvas bag. Hopefully it will transfer well. I don't have the best track record when it comes to things ironed on. If it works, I want to try and transfer it on to a tee shirt.

Anyway, when I get these things done (if they turn out that is), I will take pictures and show you them! Stand by!

Happy Birthday, Grandma Karol!-Way Back Wednesday

A grandmother is a little bit parent, a little bit teacher, and a little bit best friend. ~Author Unknown

(l-r: Jagger-3, Teagon-9, Eliya-3, Grandma Karol-??, Josiah-2, Jade-8, Hannah-newborn)

Happy Birthday, Grandma Karol! Thank you for being not only a best friend to our children but also and inspiration to us! WE LOVE YOU! Have a BLESSED day!

Happy 1st Day of School...

to me!...umm, I mean to my oldest two children! Eliya started in second grade today and Josiah started in first grade. Time is flying so fast! This morning they bounded out of bed, ate breakfast, and got dressed in record time. We had to keep them from walking out the door 30 minutes too early. I hope tomorrow they are just as excited!
Eliya's first day of 2nd Grade!

Josiah's first day of 1st Grade!

Way Back Wednesday-Back to School Edition

Eliya's first day of school! Fall 2005

Josiah's first day of school! Fall 2006 (check out that forehead!)

Hannah's first day of school! Fall 2008

Way Back Wednesday

Josiah's first encounter with Grandpa Steve's kitties...it was love at first sight! Too bad he's allergic to cats!