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Happy Memorial Day

As we stand here looking

At the flags upon these graves

Know these flags represent

A few of the true American brave

They fought for their Country

As man has through all of time

Except that these soldiers lying here

Fought for your country and mine

As we all are gathered here

To pay them our respect

Let's pass this word to others

It's what they would expect

I'm sure that they would do it

If it were me or you

To show we did not die in vein

But for the red, white and blue.

Let's pass on to our children

And to those who never knew

What these soldiers died for

It's the least we can do

Let's not forget their families

Great pain they had to bear

Losing a son, father or husband

They need to know we still care

No matter which war was fought

On the day that they died

I stand here looking at these flags

Filled with American pride.

by Michelle Keim

Things you never thought you'd say. . .

When you become a parent, things sometimes pop out of your mouth that you would never think you'd say in your entire life. Here are some examples of things that I have had to say since having my kids. . .

"Don't lick the toilet paper!"

"Don't stick crayons in your belly button"

"Don't stick bread in your ear"

"Don't lick your sister" (we have a lot of them that start with "don't lick")

"Get out of the dresser"

"Don't hang on to the garage door as it goes up"

"Get out of the entertainment center. . .You'll get stuck"
I bet a lot of parents have their own sayings. If you have a cute one, let me know what it is in a comment. I can't wait to hear!


Hannah met Aurora at Disney World last year. I think Aurora is her favorite princess.
My sweet Hannah sleeping on the way home from Disney.

She loves her animals!!

Hannah at the candy cane festival at church working on a sticker project.

Hannah and Grandma on a boat in Okoboji. Grandma is so cool.


Josiah and mom after preschool graduation last year. I can't believe we are almost going to have Kindergarten graduation for him. How time flies!

Always trying to get a laugh!

Josiah and his many trains. These are only some of his big trains. He also has wooden trains, small metal trains, and more of these battery powered ones.

Did I say that Josiah loves trains?


Eliya and Josiah playing together. This pic is a few years old but it is one of my favorites!

Eliya posing with her mom after kindergarten graduation.

Showing off the diploma!

My Blessings

I think it is very important to remind ourselves of everything that God blesses us with whether it be great or small. So, in no particular order, here are the things that I am thankful for:

My God and his great mercies

My husband for being everything I need him to be

Eliya for teaching me how to take charge and take care

Josiah for showing me great determination and total faith that God answers prayers

Hannah for showing me that it doesn't matter what anyone thinks and the most important thing is being yourself

My parents for having faith in me and being proud of me no matter what

My brother for showing me how to love children

My sister-in-law for showing me that no matter what happens, what matters most is family

My nephew Teagon for showing me what a great brother is

My niece Jade for showing me how to adapt to things no matter what comes along

My nephew Jagger for showing me what both a leader and a follower looks like

My house and everything in it

My cars

My needs and a lot of my wants provided for





Being in a place in my life that I love

Knowing that the future is taken care of and already planned

The Best Strawberry Pie!

I made this strawberry pie the other day and it is amazing! Jared and I have to stop ourselves from eating the whole thing in one sitting. The best thing about it? It is pretty healthy! Here is the recipe:

1 graham cracker pie crust
1 container of strawberries
1 large box of sugar free strawberry jello
1 packet of Knox gelatin
2 packets of Splenda

Clean and core the strawberries. Slice them and layer them into the pie crust and set aside. Prepare the jello according to package directions but also adding gelatin and splenda. Pour over strawberries. Put the pie in the refridgerator and chill until it is set. Enjoy!!