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Things you never thought you'd say. . .

When you become a parent, things sometimes pop out of your mouth that you would never think you'd say in your entire life. Here are some examples of things that I have had to say since having my kids. . .

"Don't lick the toilet paper!"

"Don't stick crayons in your belly button"

"Don't stick bread in your ear"

"Don't lick your sister" (we have a lot of them that start with "don't lick")

"Get out of the dresser"

"Don't hang on to the garage door as it goes up"

"Get out of the entertainment center. . .You'll get stuck"
I bet a lot of parents have their own sayings. If you have a cute one, let me know what it is in a comment. I can't wait to hear!

1 comment:

  1. Lone the sayings! I've been participating in "Not me, Mondays"-you probably have some good "Not me's". Check out my latest ones on our family blog, www.amesrudens.blogspot.com

    Abbey (fitch) Ruden
