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Oh, the funny things they say...

Kids just have this knack to say something funny and no matter how horrible your day was, you can't help but at least crack a smile. I have been meaning to write down some of the things my kids have said but so far, I haven't gotten to it. Here are a few things I remember that still make me laugh:

At the soccer game from Hannah- "mom, why aren't we cheering? Are we cheering in our brains?"

While playing the Leapster from Hannah (very frustrated)- "The man inside the leapster keeps telling me to do something but I can't do it!!"

Complaining about the noise his sisters were making from Josiah- "Eliya and Hannah are hurting my brain!"

Hannah, while going up a hill on her bike- "Go Hannah go! Go Hannah go!"

Josiah, while upset at the soccer game he was playing- "I don't want to be a firefly (his team name)!" -when asked what he wanted to be he said- "the coach!"

The kids have been getting money for finishing their chore chart each week. Eliya asked "Mom, what do you get when you finish your chore chart?"

My kids are hilarious! It amazes me what comes out of their mouth sometimes! Hopefully, I can write them down better so that I can show them what they said when they grow up. Now that would be fun!

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