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Wasn't it just yesterday?

Where does the time go? My oldest daughter is 7 years old today. How did that happen?

Wasn't it just yesterday that she was laying on my bed holding her Pooh brush?

Wasn't it just yesterday you were playing in your froggy pool and was barely able to sit down in it because she didn't want to get too wet?

Wasn't it just yesterday that she bundled up from head to toe to experience playing in the snow for the first time?

Wasn't it just yesterday she was sitting at the table in her blue booster seat?

Wasn't it just yesterday that she turned two and got her first dress up outfit and a wiggles car?

Wasn't it just yesterday that she graduated from preschool?

When did she get big enough to pour milk into cups, or make frozen waffles, or was my dishes in the sink?

When did she get big enough to channel surf for her favorite programs?

When did she learn how to read? and do math?

When did she get big enough to ride a bike with no training wheels or help her little sister get dressed?

When? Because yesterday I had a baby but today I have a 7 year old.

Happy Birthday my Eliya! Thanks for making me a mom and for being my friend and the best daughter anyone could ever hope to have. Please don't grow up too fast!

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