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30 Days of Thankfulness Day 6-12

Day 6-I am thankful for my brother-in-law, Jesse Ellwein who is over in Germany right now for the army. He is a wonderful friend, brother, and uncle and even though he just went overseas, we can't wait to have him back. We miss and love you, Jesse!

Day 7-Today I am thankful for my church...its a wondeful place to learn, grow, fellowship, be fed, and meet God. I am so blessed to have Lord Of Host Church in my life!!

Day 8-Today I am thankful for my husband's job. It has been a real blessing. It allows me to accomplish my lifelong dream of being a stay at home mom and gives me a sense of financial security. Thank you God for giving my husband a job that he loves (most of the time!) and for giving me a job that I love!

Day 9-Today I am thankful for the time change...it has caused my kids to wake up early and be ready to go earlier. Today, my kids were up at 6:30 and ready for school before 7:00. Now Jared can take them to school so I can hit the gym earlier and start my day earlier. YAY!!!

Day 10-today I am thankful for my kids' school...I absolutely love it. And even though it is a public school, my children are thriving and they are being lights to the teachers and the other students. Thank you God for placing my children in the school that they need to be in so that not only can they be served but they can be your servants as well.

Day 11-Today, I am going to take a lighter note and say that I am thankful for my diet coke...There are days when I NEED my diet coke! Its like how some people can't go a day without coffee, I don't like to go a day without my Diet Coke. I may only have one (if that) a day, but its my littl...e pick me up...Thank you God for Diet Cokes!!
Day 12-Today I am thankful for the ability to reconnect and stay in touch with friends and family. Facebook might be addictive but it has also been a blessing to me. Thank you God for the ability to stay in touch!

That's my past week of my 30 days of Thankfulness...check back next Friday to see what I am thankful for next week.  What are you thankful for?

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