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In a rut...

Okay, so lately I've been in a rut with this blog.  Or maybe its just routine.  I've been kind of doing the same type of posts over and over again.  Anyway...I need to get out of it.  Have a little fun.  Do something different.

So maybe I will start by telling you all about what I've been doing this week.  Monday, I made the trip up to Sioux City to learn how to make pfeffernuesse (German Christmas Cookie) with my mother-in-law.  My mom even joined us.  I learned some tips and now I think (notice I said "think") I can make them on my own.  After completing a successful batch of cookies, my moms and I went out to a girl lunch at Panera Bread.  It was so fun to spend time with them and just talk.  I will definitely have to go up again sometime.  I like that on Mondays when my kids are in school and then they have a bible group at their school right after school ends (gives me just a little more time) that I can go up and visit my family...just me...on my own.  Not that I don't love having my husband and my kids with me, but its also fun to be able to just go myself.

Today, my husband stayed home for a little bit this morning and we went to spend his birthday gift cards on clothes that actually fit.  You see, we have both been losing weight lately and I have the ability (and the need) to get clothes slowly.  But Jared needed a ton of dress pants.  He's lost almost 50 pounds and his original pants were WAY too big.  It was fun to be able to go with him and see what size he is down to!

Tonight, we made an impromtu visit to Chili's for the kids' school.  They had a Chili's night where if we go and eat and give the waiter the school flyer, they will give the kids' school 10% of the proceeds.  We weren't really planning on it but they tonight we thought "why not"?  It was fun to spend time as a family and for the kids to see their other classmates.

Well, that is what my week is like.  Come back tomorrow for my wordless wednesday and Friday for my 30 days of Thankfulness.  I leave you from a funny quote from my 7 year old...

"When I was a dog, I sat in one place"
(mmmm...didn't know he was ever a dog!)


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