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30 Days of Thankfulness

The Thanksgiving holiday seems to get overlooked. I think that a lot of people view it as a chance to get off work, eat too much, shop, and watch football. While those things are fun-and sometimes needed-the true meaning of Thanksgiving gets overlooked. We tend to forget that it is a time when we are suppose to give thanks to God for all of the blessings that he has given us.

So....that being said, I had this idea to post everyday in November on Facebook something that I was thankful for. Then I thought that it would be a good idea to do a blog post on Fridays of a review of the things I was thankful for. I decided to call it...

3o Days of Thankfulness

So...without further ado...numbers 1-5...

1. my husband-he is truly a blessing and I feel priviledged that God would love me so much to give me Jared. He brings out the best in me and causes me to grow while being the perfect compliment to me. I love him so much and I can't imagine my life without him.

2. my oldest daughter, Eliya-she is the one that helped me fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a mom. She is my helper and my sidekick. She is my shopping partner and thus, my partner in crime! I love my Eliya...she is the greatest big sister and first daughter ever!

3. my one and only son, Josiah-he is my kid that keeps me on my toes. He is a hoot and a half and you never quite know what idea is going to come out of his head next. He has taught me what true childlike faith is...that he truly expects to recieve all that he asks for...and usually does (not by us, mind you...there are things that he asks for that I would rather he didn't get...i.e. noisy toys...but somehow, some way, someone gives it to him)...I think that God gave Josiah to us to show us how to pray and expect to recieve.

4. my littlest big kid, Hannah-she is my "mini me"-my creative, dancing, singing, child. She is the one that makes us laugh all the time with the things that she says or does. I truly believe that God looked at our family and decided that we were too boring, so he sent us some adventure and we named her Hannah!

5. my mom-my mom is the best mom in the world. She was great when I was growing up but now she has turned into my best friend. It is odd if a day goes by and we don't talk somehow, either by phone, facebook, or email. My only complaint is that she lives too far away for us to get together everyday. At least two hours isn't too far for a visit every couple of weeks or so!

That is my 30 days of Thankfulness for this week. Come back next Friday for the continuation!


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